The Transformational Power of Art
Art is part of the relationship between a place and the people within it. In our living and work spaces it can create harmony between the architecture and its inhabitants. It has the power to inspire and unify.
Art uplifts both our environment and our spirit. A well chosen piece can be a unifying element in any interior or exterior setting. It shines its light best when considered as an integral part of a design scheme rather than just an adjunct to it, though of course the latter is often the case. It creates cohesion and harmony between different design elements, bringing life and expressing the personality of its users.
When you make the decision to buy art, you are taking a first step into telling a story… a story about you, about your environment, your values, what brings you joy and how you identify in the world. In this way, it can significantly improve your sense of well being, safety and belonging.
Art frequently serves as a touchstone for all that a family values and holds dear. It can also be a signifier for the functionality or emotional temperature of a room, thus becoming an unconscious cue - to rest, socialise or be creative.
In business premises, well curated art schemes complement company branding and become an authentic statement of identity and values, thus inspiring loyalty from both staff and clients who are proud to be aligned with its message. When it works well, art becomes part of the interior architecture of a place - an essential aspect of the interior design and uniquely expressive of the inhabitants, who they are, once were, or long to be…
In a public setting, art frequently acts as a pause button…a point of contemplation, expressing feelings beyond our consciousness or that are hard to reach. An invitation to stop, reflect and breathe… a catalyst for our deeper needs, for a sense of self, of journey and soul.